
Innovative desalination tech

The DESAL Research Group's mission is to address sustainably global and Saudi Arabia's pressing freshwater demand through the advancement of innovative desalination technologies. Our strategy centers on developing advanced, cost-effective, and renewable energy-based solutions that are aligned with the Kingdom's 2030 vision. Through a dual fundamental and applied research approach, which fosters innovation, we combine chemistry, microbiology, material science, and multidisciplinary engineering expertise to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the kingdom and beyond.


Guiding principles in advancing desalination science

These pillars not only define our core values but also serve as the driving force propelling our scientific mission forward. Each element contributes uniquely, forming a a cohesive framework that symbolizes our dedication to advancing desalination science.


Our work goes beyond the laboratory; it extends to the communities we serve. We are dedicated to empowering local communities through, skill development, and technology transfer. Our initiatives are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and enduring positive transformation.


We are commited to minimizing the ecological footprints of our processes, promoting resource recovery, and contributing to a circular economy. Our goal is to create sustainable solutions that stand the test of time.


Collaboration is at the core of our success. We believe in the power of multidisciplinary teamwork, drawing on diverse backgrounds and experiences. By fostering a collaborative spirit, we amplify our collective intelligence and achieve impactful results.


Innovation is the heartbeat of our group. We embrace a culture that encourages creativity, novel thinking, and the pursuit of groundbreaking solutions. By pushing the boundaries of technology, we aim to revolutionize the field of desalination and water treatment.


Our commitment serves as the foundation for our research, driving us to overcome challenges and make a meaningful and lasting difference.


Water-secure future

We aim to be at the forefront of global efforts to contribute to a water-secure future. We envision a world where sustainable desalination technologies and water treatment solutions are pivotal in providing clean and safe water to communities and fostering economic growth. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, we aspire to set new standards for excellence in the field, leaving a long-lasting effect on the well-being of societies and the health of our planet.
