King Saud University

PROJECT: Multi-effect distillation - membrane distillation (MED-MD) hybrid for increased water production and thermal brine management

  • KAUST-KSU (King Saud University) initiative, Grant #REP/1/3805-01-01 (KAUST) and RG-1440-103 (KSU).
  • Duration: 2018-2021
  • Description: Feasibility studies and scaling up of a hybrid MED-MD system that utilizes waste heat from MED plant.
  • Related publications:

J. Orfi, H. Al-Ansary, S. Soukane, H. Elcik, A. Alpatova, and N. Ghaffour, Cost Analysis of Multiple Effect Evaporation and Membrane Distillation Hybrid Desalination System, Desalination, 517, 115258 (2021).

S. Soukane, H. Elcik, A. Alpatova, J. Orfi, E. Alid, H. AlAnsary, and N. Ghaffour, Scaling Sets the Limits of Large Scale Membrane Distillation Modules for the Treatment of High Salinity Feeds, J. Clean. Prod., 287, 125555 (2021).

E. Ali, J. Orfi, H. AlAnsary, J.-G. Lee, A. Alpatova, and N. Ghaffour, Integration of Multi Effect Evaporation and Membrane Distillation Desalination Processes for Enhanced Performance and Recovery Ratios, Desalination, 493, 114619 (2020).

H. Elcik, L. Fortunato, A. Alpatova, S. Soukane, J. Orfi, E. Ali, H. AlAnsary, T. Leiknes, and N. Ghaffour, Multi-Effect Distillation Brine Treatment by Membrane Distillation: Effect of Antiscalant and Antifoaming Agents on Membrane Performance and Scaling Control, Desalination, 493, 114653 (2020).



King Saud University (KSU) is a renowned public university located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Established in 1957, it is the oldest and largest university in the country. KSU offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs across various fields including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and Islamic studies. It is dedicated to providing high-quality education, conducting cutting-edge research, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge and society. KSU has garnered international recognition for its academic excellence and is a prominent institution in the Middle East region.