Scientific Contributions

Through research papers, patents, and PhD dissertations, we push the boundaries of knowledge, driving innovation in desalination and water treatment.

Dimensional analysis of steady state flux for microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes

by Noreddine Ghaffour


Dimensional analysis of the mass, length and time shows that the steady state flux observed for microfiltration or
ultrafiltration through inorganic composite membrane can be expressed using two dimensionless numbers. The shear stress number Ns compares the shear stress against the membrane wall to the driving pressure, while the resistance number Nf compares the convective cross-flow transport to the drived transport through a layer, whose resistance is the sum of all the resistances induced by the different processes which limit the mass transport. Experimental data obtained in ultrafiltration of hydrocarbon emulsions and microfiltration of methanogenic bacteria suspensions and secondary treated wastewater were recalculated in terms of these dimensionless groups. Straight lines were plotted whose slope depends solely on the suspension and the membrane and not on the solute concentration. A negative slope and a positive intersection with the Ns axis means that a cake layer or a polarization layer can be completely eliminated at a critical cross-flow velocity; this was the case for an inorganic particles suspension and for the methanogenic suspension. A straight line of negative slope followed by a plateau means that an irreversible fouling is superimposed to the reversible phenomenon; this was observed for a secondary treated wastewater. A positive slope means that fouling predominates; this was observed with hydrocarbon emulsions.


Dimensional analysis Fouling Inorganic membranes Microfiltration Ultrafiltration

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