Scientific Contributions

Through research papers, patents, and PhD dissertations, we push the boundaries of knowledge, driving innovation in desalination and water treatment.

Overview of the cost of desalinated water and costing methodologies

by Noreddine Ghaffour


In the last decade desalination has been considered as a solution for potable water needs only for specific
water scarcity countries having cheap fuel. Now, desalination is extensively used, even where it was unthinkable
twenty years back, due to reduction in desalination cost. The cost reduction is due to new developments and
improvements in desalination technologies, particularly in RO technology. The RO is a well accepted technol-
ogy due to recent increase in energy prices and takes up a major share in worldwide market. But, it is not able to
achieve its proper share in the Arabian Gulf market due to difficult seawater composition and extensive
historical use of thermal desalination. But RO still has potential in hybrid systems in the Arabian Gulf to
account for seasonal and night to day fluctuations in the demand for power and water. There is a need for an
accurate methodology for evaluation of desalination costs to help in selection of appropriate technology suitable
for a specific location, for process design and other requirements. However, existing methodologies and soft-
ware packages do not account for all the parameters that contribute for desalting cost and their accuracy is
limited to specific conditions. This paper presents an overview of the trends in desalination costs for major
desalination technologies like Multi Stage Flash, Multi Effect Distillation and Reverse Osmosis and review of
costing methodologies.


Desalination costing Costing softwares Technologies developments

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