Scientific Contributions

Through research papers, patents, and PhD dissertations, we push the boundaries of knowledge, driving innovation in desalination and water treatment.

Prediction of particulate fouling in full-scale reverse osmosis plants using the modified fouling index – ultrafiltration (MFI-UF) method
Year: 2023 DOI:
Authors: Mohanad Abunada, Raffay Gulrez, Almotasembellah Abushaban, Herman Smit, David Moed, Pamela Ajok, Yuke Li, Almotasembellah Abushaban, Hernan Smit, David Moed, Noreddine Ghaffour, Jan C. Schippers, Maria d. Kennedy
  • Reverse osmosis (RO)
  • Particulate fouling prediction
  • MFi-UF
  • Particle deposition factor
  • Membrane surface porosity correction
The evolution of feed spacer role in membrane applications for desalination and water treatment: A critical review and future perspective
Year: 2023 DOI:
Authors: Nurshaun Sreedhar, Navya Thomas, Hassan A. Arafat
  • Feed spacers
  • Desalination
  • Water treatment
  • Novel designs
  • 3D printing technology
  • Fouling
Calibrating and Validating the MFI-UF Method to Measure Particulate Fouling in Reverse Osmosis
Year: 2023 DOI:
Authors: Mohanad Abunada, Nirajan Dhakal, William Z. Andyar, Yuke Li, Pamela Ajok, Jan C. Schippers, Maria d. Kennedy
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Particulate fouling
  • MFi-UF
  • Calibration
  • Linearity
Deployment of Superhydrophilic and Super-antifouling Cr-soc-MOF-1-Based Membrane for Ultrafast Separation of Stabilized Oil-in-Water Emulsions
Year: 2023 DOI:
Authors: Norah Alsadun, Osama Shekhah, Sheng Zhou, Mohamed Eddaoudi
  • Separation
  • Metal−organic framework
  • Oil/water separation
  • Superwettability
  • Membrane
  • Antifouling
Airfoil-shaped filament feed spacer for improved filtration performance in water treatment
Year: 2023 DOI:
Authors: Adnan Qamar, Sarah Kerdi, Johannes S. Vrouwenvelder
  • Feed spacer design
  • Airfoil-shaped filaments
  • 3D printing technology
  • Filtration performance
  • Biofouling reduction